With Eagle Caller ID, incoming calls from Eagle contacts can be identified with ease. Create a friendly and professional experience for contacts by answering callers by name. When a contact calls, a pop up message will be presented on screen with the person’s name, photo, contact groups and spouse as well as properties they own, rent or are interested in.
Handy notifications also allow you to quickly return a missed call or log a call in the Eagle CRM app.
There is no need to import thousands of contacts into your phone. The only requirements are to have Eagle Caller ID installed and switched on and to have a current Eagle subscription.
لن تتم الموافقة على نشر التعليقات إذا كانت رسائل غير مرغوب فيها أو مسيئة أو خارج الموضوع أو تستخدم لغة بذيئة أو تحتوي على هجوم شخصي أو تروج للكراهية من أي نوع.